The Last Furlong

Comments on the race of life.

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Daylight Saving

One of the strangest habits the UK has, is the practice of Daylight Saving.

What part of Daylight are we saving?

Once, people and children walked to work or school in the barely light and came home in the dark. Now they go to school or work in the dark and come home in the getting dark, barely light.

Or is it Summer saving? I don’t  know what could be saved there. It is already bright at ten o’clock at night so people have to have black out blinds to get to sleep. And children go to bed in broad daylight.

And in the North here it’s even worse than the other part of England, the part that thinks they are the only ones on this Island.

So now everything not connected to the Internet needs the time changing. Including our dog Bass. He is going to be really confused about walk time, feeding time and bedtime. And, boy, he is going to TELL us that we are wrong and he is right for at least a week.

You can hoodwink a whole country, but not an intelligent dog.


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The trouble with Nettles

I have written several times on this blog about urtification with Stinging Nettles for pain.

I am a nettle fan!

The trouble with nettles is you can’t carry them around like you could with a Tens Machine, say, as one of my readers points out.

People are too frightened to try them

Doctors cannot control the “dose”, or the cleanliness of the product, so they cannot prescribe Nettles as a treatment.

Some people have a very allergic reaction to Nettle stings, developing welts rather than a low-key nettle rash that “buzzes” for a day.

Nettles do not grow in Winter.

Gardeners hate Nettles and pull them all out.

Nettles aren’t reliable stingers. Some are so pathetic, they are not worth picking.

So, as you see, I have written about them since 2014! In all those years, I have never met another Nettle fan. How sad is that?

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Philosophy in AI art

I once tried to imagine what a totally peaceful world would be like. It would be so tranquil, to be unattractively boring. Nothing would happen, ever.

I have been playing with AI art. Here are three concepts. Which, in your opinion, is the most attractive piece?

Concordance, agreement, co-operation

Peace, harmony, joy

Strife, disagreement, non co-operation


I fear to say it in case I upset Fate, about CBD and nettles

This is my fourth day virtually pain free. I fear to speak it out loud in case it’s a karmic glitch!

Just like my 2017 episode, I have tried every conceivable way to get rid of 1. piriformis syndrome, 2. Knee pain 3. Left foot pain that developed in me in that order over the last few months. It has crippled me.

I suspect, though I can’t prove it, that vaping CBD liquid relaxed my piriformis muscle. But it caused an emotional deadening I didn’t like. So as the knee pain developed, the old piriformis problem faded. CBD in my opinion, is useless for pain. But good as a muscle relaxant. In the UK it is the legal part of Cannabis.

So, now having tested on myself, I can confirm that urtification with nettles is a better pain killer than Ibruprophen in any form. Urtification is when you apply stinging nettles to the place that hurts by stinging yourself. The way to do it is smack the area with fresh nettles. The average human shrieks “Oh, No! I couldn’t do that!” which just shows what sissies they are.

I told the doctor about the nettles. She did not laugh or sneer, she simply said “Yes, we have lost contact with the old ways of healing”. The way nettles heal, is to trigger the body to send chemicals to the stings, which deals with your pain too. Its not miraculous. It’s science!

So now, I am not fit, have very little stamina, but pain free (I think) and I pass on this information to those who are not sissies and choose to use ‘old ways’. CBD has it’s place. Nettles have their place.

They have been used by humans for thousands of years.

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Dem Bones

This old Furlong is having trouble with dem bones.

As the song says,

Well, your toe bone connected to your foot bone
Your foot bone connected to your heel bone
Your heel bone connected to your ankle bone
Your ankle bone connected to your leg bone
Your leg bone connected to your knee bone
Your knee bone connected to your thigh bone
Your thigh bone connected to your hip bone
Your hip bone connected to your back bone
Your back bone connected to your shoulder bone
Your shoulder bone connected to your neck bone
Your neck bone connected to your head bone
I hear the word of the Lord!

Dem Bones Dem Bones Dem Dry Bones

I’m not sure what the Lord is doing , but everyday it seems to me, some connection somewhere is conking out. I think I might be cracking up.

In 2017 I had a miserable six months struggling with Sciatica. At the time. I felt as if I had an “infection” of some kind. I do again. Autopsies on those who died with Sciatica ( not from!) found bacteria hiding in dem bone connections.

Last time, I requested to try a general antibiotic, which I did. I don’t know if it helped or not as I tried so many things.

But one day, I woke up and all the pain was gone.

Lord, if you are listening, bring on that day again.

‘Arthritis’ made by me with NightCafe AI art generator.


Which Black Lives Matter?

We are having a problem with Black Lives in the Furlong garden.

Right now, all the lives on our bird feeders are Black.

This morning at crack of dawn, a hoard, no, a hovering, no, an invasion of terrorists circled our back garden like a vast cawing unruly crowd. They are unable to feed here. They were a swashbuckling show-off mob. No wonder the collective noun for them is a ‘murder’ of crows. In the half-light they looked like huge bats against the sky. Except these bats were not silently sonic.

They shrieked their presence so the other birds kept away, hiding in the hedges.

The Black Lives we don’t like here are the loud, in-your-face kind that bully every other life into submission to their presence.

The Black Lives that we love are the little retiring ones that come out after the bullies have gone. They have the most endearing habits, humour and comradie. Though it’s mating time and the ladies must get tired of being wooed, none seem to be complaining “Me Too”. Despite being ground feeders, they are learning to feed from our crow-free restaurants. Whilst they were there, some tiny non black birds came to feed as well. Those little Black Lives, allow the existence of other birds – of any colour, who are bold enough.

I know which Black Lives Matter to me most!

I like the Black Lives that live in consideration of all other kinds of Lives too.

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This is why we have dogs

At the great probabability of losing lots of blog followers, us old Furlongs prefer dogs to cats.

We have had cats. We’ve had nice cats. We remember them all.


You can’t trust them.

I find this video explains exactly why we prefer dogs…..


The darkside

Here, the peace of our little garden has been recently shattered.

The darkside are active here.

They have discovered our bird cuisine set up. Mr Furlong planned it very carefully so that all the birds, large and small, and even ground feeders would have an equal chance. We don’t even mind Sunday Lunch, the very large rock pigeon hogging the place because little birds pop in behind him as he is concentrating on his favourite occupation – eating. Sunday Lunch is an amicable chap.

But now a sinister mob has discovered our place. They are active every Spring tearing apart the wiper blades and mirror rubbers on our cars parked on the front road here. The council came along and shot a few, to what end one cannot imagine.

The next generation are here, in our back garden, casting their spell of terror around. Mrs Sunday Lunch went missing last year. The Darkside are executioners and cannibals. They did her in.

Mr Furlong has had to make alterations to the bird feeders. Sunday Lunch is going to hate it. But we might be saving his life, and definitely the lives of all the little creatures that used to feed here.

The Darkside are NOT welcome in our garden!


The dog’s birthday, CBD and Piriformis Sciatica, a sort of dog’s breakfast post.

The dog, Bass, was born on 1st October 2013. He is eight today.

He has no idea it’s his birthday. He’s fast asleep still. He took one look at the weather with the rain slashing down on the window, tucked his head down, and went to sleep once more.

The rain woke me too. I got up early. Every day has been a dreary day for me lately whether the sun shines or not. Piriformis Sciatica has crippled me since July. I have tried every cure, every exercise, every rub, urtification with nettles, hot water bottles, sitting positions and things I already forgot. I have not taken pain killers because I don’t. I did consider Amitriptaline as a last resort because you take one pill at night rather than challenge your gut with pain killers every four hours.

A pain killer for Sciatica is like farting against thunder!

Today being Bass’s birthday, I’m going to celebrate being pain free.

Its my sixth pain free day!

Piriformis Sciatica is a muscular problem where the Piriformis and surrounding muscles tighten up. They constrict the Sciatic nerve. The pain in the butt and hips is simply horrible.

About a week ago, I started vaping CBD eliquid. It took a few days, not instantaneous, but the pain is gone. I reckon it has relaxed the Piriformis muscle and my life has improved.

The eliquid is 500mg CBD in 60mls of eliquid from a UK company called REJUICED. I am vaping about 1 and 1/2 to 2mls a day.

Its a happy no pain day again for me.

This information might help someone else.

So I’m sharing it.

And Happy Birthday Bass!