The Last Furlong

Comments on the race of life.


Split with reality

Saturday is grandkids day. Usually we watch a movie that Granddad has carefully chosen. But yesterday the kids chose the movie.

Two movies in fact.

The first was ‘Leggoland’ which sounded OK to Granddad.

The kids loved it. It was loud, violent, ugly, confusing, muddled HELL. The dialogues were so fast and un understandable they would have scrambled the most intelligent brain. Flashing scenes, assaulted our eyes, noise our ears. And disgust that someone, ANYONE, could dish up such tripe for kids.

The second film they chose was ‘Sonic the Hedgehog no 2’ It had a message. Hero’s must have responsibility. And it had conversations a brain might understand and several funny scenes. So it passed, just. The grandson LOVES Sonic it turns out.

Everyone can be a Hero nowadays evidently. You can be anything you want evidently.

You can save the world from the Apocalypse.

I just hope my Grandchilden can write a decent essay when the time comes. And have some logic of mind.

And that my Grandson doesn’t ‘come out ‘ as a Blue Hedgehog called Sonic and gets blue hair implants on his chest and private parts!

I wonder what his Pronouns might be?


Bells and Whistles and Baby

There’s been another change in my computer situation.

In my last few posts I have recounted the story of the Chromebooks.

I’ve never used a Chromebook but I’ve ordered one for somebody else which is called from here on “Bells and Whistles”. “Bells and Whistles” is a horrible device which I swapped for my very nice simple, plain (cheap – £100 discount) Chromebook. I felt guilty that somebody else had to suffer the failings of me buying “Bells and Whistle” in my ignorance of the practicality of it.

“Bells and Whistles” only has one redeaming attribute. It is beautiful.

It folds, it stands, it performs acrobatics. It is a vision in silver.

Thats all.

The screen is like mirrored glass. The keyboard invisible except in total darkness when the backlight is so blinding one needs dark glasses to view it.

“Bells and Whistles” and I have a situation developing. I am not going to put up with her. I have ordered keyboard stickers in black with white writing large enough that I can see and I will find a screen coating or cover that will stop the shine and reflections. Her beauty is going to be defiled.

Tough shit.

My last post explained I ordered yet ANOTHER Chromebook. I was expecting it that day. The new Chromebook is called “Baby”.

“Baby” has had adventures already. She was delivered late. Five days late. Somehow, in ways that the delivery company cannot explain, she ended up in the Hebridies, not joking. And her cardboard box was squashed, caved in and re-taped. The guy producing “Baby” at the door, apologised to Mr Furlong and made him sign for her.

I am pleased to announce that “Baby”, despite her difficult delivery, works just fine! She has no bells or whistles, nor is she beautiful.

But to me, at 11.6″, Black and white keyboard with no backlight nor glassy screen, she is simply lovely!

I wrote this post on her today.

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Three months ago, two weeks ago Aaaargh!

Oh, I am so tired of watching movies that say “Three months ago” or “Two weeks ago” when Mr Furlong and I are also computing. Continue reading