The Last Furlong

Comments on the race of life.

10 foods you should never feed your dog – oh yeah?


Ten foods you should never feed your dog

This information is on one of those annoying click-through sites which makes me want to give up on the third page. This one has got ten pages. But I will endure.

Please remember this might be an irresponsible post, being my cynical ignorant opinion. Digest with care – it might be poisonous!

So, what you must never feed your dog is

Alcohol – Alcohol is extremely toxic, even in small amounts. It causes suppression of the central nervous system and slows a dog’s breathing and heart rate. It also affects blood chemistry leading to a condition called acidosis. If you suspect your dog has been exposed to alcohol, consider it a medical emergency and contact your vet.

Yet, many a pub visitor, farmer and yokel in the country has shared his ale with his dog.

Grapes and Raisins – Ingesting grapes or raisins puts some dogs at risk for kidney failure which can be fatal. Even just a small serving, can be toxic. Typical signs of grape toxicity are vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea and excessive thirst. If you suspect your dog may be suffering from toxicity due to ingesting grapes, contact your vet.

Our Westie loved grapes and died from something quite unconnected to her digestive system.

Chocolate – Dark chocolate is especially poisonous to dogs because it contains theobromine, a stimulant found in the cocoa bean. Though rarely fatal, it can have an adverse effect on the heart muscles and central nervous system. Symptoms of toxicity include restlessness, excessive panting and increased urination. The amount of theobromine varies with the type of chocolate, with white chocolate having the least amount.

Our current dog is a well-behaved lad – except for stealing chocolate. Black, milk and white have gone missing into those gastronomic digestive juices. Every time, I have watched with bated breath for the “signs and symptoms” of poisoning. But have never seen any.

Onions – Onions have an adverse effect on a dog’s red blood cells that can result in anemia. Symptoms can take up to four days to develop and include panting, lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea. Read labels carefully when feeding your dog for hidden traces of onion.

Oh bollocks – in the old days – before commercial dog food, every house dog feed off table scraps. And the truth is they had less allergies and the only anemia they developed was if they got Billory (dog tick bite fever).

Macadamia nuts – Sensitivity to these nuts varies from dog to dog. It’s uncertain what makes them toxic. The most prominent sign of infection is weakness in the hind legs and an inability to walk. Your dog’s temperature may be elevated with signs of lethargy. The ASPCA recommends vigilant watching if you suspect your dog may have ingested macadamias.

Mmm – we were poor, no dogs of ours were given Macadamias.They were a total luxury and we ate them all ourselves.

Rhubarb – When eaten, rhubarb can cause kidney, nervous system and digestive abnormalities. Excess salivating, tremors or seizures may follow that require a vet’s care. You can also call the ASPCA’s Poison Control Center to determine if your dog is suffering from toxicity.

Oh well – no knowledge in my vast old age knowledge store here.

Bread dough– The yeast in bread dough is troublesome for dogs. Once ingested, the dough releases ethanol, a form of alcohol that can be toxic. Fermentation continues in a dog’s stomach that can cause excess gas, retching, vomiting and a swollen stomach. Your vet can determine if your dog has ethanol poisoning.

Sounds terrible – I wonder how many dogs succumb to bread dough? I know our kids were told not to eat it raw, it would “blow up” their tummies. Its all a question of quantity I suppose.

Avocado – Although avocados contain a toxin called persin, small amounts may not have an adverse effect in dogs. If too much is ingested, it can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. The greater hazard in avocados are the pits. They can cause choking or lodge in the esophagus, stomach or intestines.

In Africa,our dogs used to eat the ripe Avocados that fell from the trees. We must have been lucky about the seed in the middle, but the Avo’s were huge, so the stones might have been too big to swallow.

Xylitol – Xylitol is a chemical sweetener found in many foods, most commonly in gum and sugar-free cookies. Small amounts can cause dangerous problems for dogs. Low blood sugar, liver failure and even death can result from ingestion. Symptoms can appear in as little as 30 minutes and can be severe. Vomiting, seizures and kidney failure can result. As little as two sticks of gum can be toxic to a 20-pound dog, so it’s important to seek treatment quickly.

Good God! Sounds terrible. If it does this to dogs, why are WE eating it? In the Furlong house holds – even those of our children, we avoid these types of chemicals like the plague. I would never dream of eating such dreadful stuff myself, let alone giving it to the Furlong dog.

Milk and dairy products – Dogs are lactose intolerant. While not a deadly poison, milk can be troublesome. It is difficult for dogs to digest and can cause diarrhea. Many dogs love cheese. It has less lactose than milk but some dogs may be sensitive. If you must give your milk, opt for lactose-free.

Not every dog is lactose intolerant. Our dogs got full fat proper milk – and cream – not often – but obviously not often enough to give them diarrhea.

Remember I’m a sardonic old woman that believes lots of stuff I read should be taken with a BIG pinch of salt. But that is dangerous for dogs too it seems.

But they DO like milk! Watch how the lap works – curled up tongue backwards.




Author: Elizabeth

I'm someone also pounding the Path, just like you.

4 thoughts on “10 foods you should never feed your dog – oh yeah?

  1. I had a Pekinese once who stole grapes by the bucket load. She died of old age. And as for alcohol, every dog I have ever owned would get it’s nose into my glass of wine, even if it had to climb on the table. None of them died of alcohol poisoning.

    Not sure about onions, so I don’t.


  2. My current Pug had a nasty dose of diarrhoea recently. And then your blog post reminded me that I had given her some sour milk. I have never had this happen with any other dog, but I won’t be doing it again. So thanks for that.


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