The Last Furlong

Comments on the race of life.

Kilos of poo

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The Furlong family have always owned dogs.

Mr Furlong doesn’t do dog poo unless he is absolutely forced to.

It’s always me.

One day, on a walk, I took the little black doggie poo bag and slung it into the trash bin on our village street, as I had done for many years. All of a sudden, a voice yelled at me “Hey! You can’t do that! Throw it in the proper dog poop bin!”

I didn’t know there are actually DESIGNATED dog poop bins! In our village all the trash bins look exactly the same, except for a tiny sticker on the side.

Well, I ascertained there are two in our village, one at the beginning, and one at the end. Over the years, I must have picked up hundreds of kilos of poo. I know a hell of a lot about poo, and I’m dammed if I’m going to walk a mile to dump a tiny little bag of Furlong dog poo in a designated bin.


Angry Dog from "Lets be Honest" Blog

Angry Dog from Lets be Honest Blog

Author: Elizabeth

I'm someone also pounding the Path, just like you.

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