The Last Furlong

Comments on the race of life.

Near death silly science


I was watching a debate on “Is death final?”. The science section – you know, the guys demanding PROOF that a person finding themselves out-of-body, or in a different awareness of continued consciousness when they have temporarily died, were saying there is NO proof because scientific tests have never been successful.

Scientific tests have never been successful, despite a whopping 10% of the population (and rising) reporting that something during death happens and that death is not final. Anecdotal evidence is not accepted by science. Anecdotal evidence is climbing because our resuscitation techniques are bringing more people back from death.

NDE’s (Near Death Experience) are pretty common nowadays. They have been reported since we first climbed down from trees. But now they are not occult knowledge, reserved for the shaman, or the priest, they are common – common.

And what is the scientific test to prove people are having an NDE?

Well, it is putting a card, or a picture up near the ceiling so that it can be reported to have been seen by the person down below, dying in the operating theatre/resuscitation ward.

Fancy that?

Fancy a scientist thinking, at the moment of death, with machines thumping, lights blinding, stressed theatre staff, anguished patient, or unconscious patient involved in the thing we all dread, that anyone having a near death experience, is going to notice their cards or images secretly strung up under the bloody ceiling?


Author: Elizabeth

I'm someone also pounding the Path, just like you.

16 thoughts on “Near death silly science

  1. 2nd attempt to post this, your blog seems to have eaten my first attempt Grrrrr!

    “going to notice their cards ”
    I’ve read a number of accounts of people who have had NDEs, accounts of people leaving their dying body and loitering around the OP room in astral form. One thing they all tend to say is that they, in ‘astral’ form, felt calm and detached as they watched the medics fighting to save their lives and that they noticed exactly such little irrelevant details like the surgeon had missed a spot shaving that morning. Which is why I assume ‘science’ came up with the idea of cards on the ceiling.
    I say ‘science’ in inverted commas because it isn’t really that scientific. Someone coming back from the dead and reporting that there is a card on the ceiling that has a sketch of pussy cat on it , proves nothing. No scientist worth his spirit of salts would conclude that the patient had had any kind of astral/outta body experience. Rather a scientist would work on the premise that somewhere, somehow, the patient had learned of the details of the card…perhaps unknowingly even.

    So yes, ‘silly’ science but not perhaps for the reason you suggest.

    For the record I am not any kind of scientist infact almost the polar opposite, a Xian whose personal belief assures him that when you’re dead yer dead. No ‘astral’, no ‘spirit’, no immortal soul, no nothing…just however many kilos of worm food. For as it sayeth: “and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the life’s breath returns to God who gave it” , mind you I’m happy to find myself to have been proved wrong when the time comes.


  2. I have tried thrice now to comment and your blog keeps eating it.


    • Oh no! Your comments should automatically be displayed. I don’t moderate previous commentors. So sorry. Please try again.


      • OK trying again:
        “going to notice their cards ”
        I’ve read a number of accounts of people who have had NDEs, accounts of people leaving their dying body and loitering around the OP room in astral form. One thing they all tend to say is that they, in ‘astral’ form, felt calm and detached as they watched the medics fighting to save their lives and that they noticed exactly such little irrelevant details like the surgeon had missed a spot shaving that morning. Which is why I assume ‘science’ came up with the idea of cards on the ceiling.
        I say ‘science’ in inverted commas because it isn’t really that scientific. Someone coming back from the dead and reporting that there is a card on the ceiling that has a sketch of pussy cat on it , proves nothing. No scientist worth his spirit of salts would conclude that the patient had had any kind of astral/outta body experience. Rather a scientist would work on the premise that somewhere, somehow, the patient had learned of the details of the card…perhaps unknowingly even.

        So yes, ‘silly’ science but not perhaps for the reason you suggest.

        For the record I am not any kind of scientist infact almost the polar opposite, a Xian whose personal belief assures him that when you’re dead yer dead. No ‘astral’, no ‘spirit’, no immortal soul, no nothing…just however many kilos of worm food. For as it sayeth: “and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the life’s breath returns to God who gave it” , mind you I’m happy to find myself to have been proved wrong when the time comes.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Oh you will. But your scepticism and logical mind might make accepting it a bit of a problem! Maybe he that “believeth not” goes no where?


        • Don’t think I have ever been accused of having a ‘logical’ mind before, sceptical yes, logical no. I did say I am the ‘polar opposite’ of a scientist. I am a theologian by inclination- as a young dwarf I felt called to the priesthood even.

          I believe (as pretty much everyone in the OT did) that on the ‘Last Day’ God will call me from my grave …or rather command my molecules to reassemble etc and I will awaken to a New Earth- akin to ‘Riverworld’ if you know the SF books.

          Liked by 1 person

        • You need an NDE! I prescribe it…:-D


        • Well the clue is sorta in the name…NDE..*near* death ie not actually dead or as Monty Python might say: ” ‘Es NOT passed on! He has NOT ceased to be! ‘E’s NOT expired and NOT gone to meet ‘is maker! ‘E’s NOT a stiff! Not Bereft of life, ‘e rests not in peace! ‘Is metabolic processes are not yet ‘istory! ‘E’s not off the twig! ‘E’s not kicked the bucket, ‘e’s not shuffled off ‘is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisible!! THIS MAN IS NOT DEAD….yet.”

          Liked by 1 person

        • Whoops! LOL! Not only did I have the same problem as Dwarf, but when I wrote about it I began addressing my notes to Dwarf instead of to Furlong. OK, this is beyond silly now for my original silly one-liner comment but I’ll paste it here anyway — after noting that it’s by no means as erudite or interesting as what either The Blocked Dwarf OR The Last Furlong have written, despite at this point, if everything somehow appears here, my repeated scribbling will have taken up more space than EITHER of theirs!

          Also had two vanish. Odd. Maybe the blog is on triple overtime tonight? :>

          In any event: I was noting that the card should be by the patient’s head and facing UP. After all, the visions are usually looking DOWN at the patient, right?

          – MJM, who’d ask for a do-over if he missed the card on the first go-round…

          (And who’s now starting to wonder… maybe I died just as I was starting to comment on here and the problem is I can’t see the stuff I”m posting because I’m actually still in a near-death state and the paramedics are currently furiously pounding on my chest and giving me electric shocks and scaring the hell out of my poor bereaved kitty cat (and probably stealing bites out of my chocolate stash on the sly darn it!)

          – MJM’s Ghost….

          Liked by 1 person

  3. At least if they TOLD the patient then, if they didn’t remember to look the first time they could ask to be put back under for a second chance!


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hmm…. wouldn’t it make more sense to put the card facing up by the patient’s head? After all, in the vision they’re supposedly looking DOWN!

    – MJM

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Also had two vanish. Odd. Maybe the blog is on triple overtime tonight? :>

    In any event: I was noting that the card should be by the patient’s head and facing UP. After all, the visions are usually looking DOWN at the patient, right?

    – MJM, who’d ask for a do-over if he missed the card on the first go-round…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Supposedly seeing the screen for #comment-6694 at the moment… so am trying one last time… the 4th… to see if that changes.


    Also had two vanish. Odd. Maybe the blog is on triple overtime tonight? :>

    In any event: I was noting that the card should be by the patient’s head and facing UP. After all, the visions are usually looking DOWN at the patient, right?

    – MJM, who’d ask for a do-over if he missed the card on the first go-round…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Yep. counter went up to 6695, so I’m guessing that unless La Dwarf simply wipes most of these out or never sees any of them that eventually there’ll be a whole string of silliness from me. Ahhh wellll…

    – MJM, who has no more silly things to write here…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. O/T but on the previous topic of smokers being the only people one is allowed to abuse, this was just posted on Frank Davis blog by ‘Rose’ and makes uneasy reading:

    Liked by 1 person

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